Image supplied by Jill Owen - taken long before social distancing imposed.....many thanks!!
Latest update on club plans
The club committee met online earlier this week and propose the following, as shown below.....but welcome any thoughts and suggestions you may have!!
Our aim is to keep the club going in a manner that provides weekly meetings offering interest, challenge, information, and active involvement for members during these difficult times.
Revised club programme for rest of 2019/20 season
All events will start at 7.30pm on Wednesday evenings via Zoom, with invites being sent out during the day of the event.
13th May - Club open competition: Lockdown PDIs only - Judge John Tilsley
20th May - Club workshop: preparing and presenting B&W images with Russ Foote
27th May - Club competition : Set Subject Masterpieces - Judge Brian Tarling
03rd June - External speaker, to be announced soon
10th June - Club competition : Best of Year Print - Judge Sue Sibley
17th June - Club competition : Best of Year PDIs - Judge Andrew Mills
24th June - Internal speakers : Presentation on Brazil from Norman and Carol Wiles
Summer Workshops
If we are able to hold outdoor workshops [dependent on information on lockdown easing from Govt], we will aim to arrange visits to a range of sunset locations around Dorset every Wednesday, from 01 July through to 26 August. We will choose locations where social distancing can be observed, and ask everyone to travel is unlikley we will be able to finish the evenings at a pub unfortunately!
If we are unable to hold these outdoor sessions we will endeavour to hold online Zoom events such as workshops/critique evenings/ask the expert Q&A sessions/quiz nights etc etc instead.
2020/21 Season
Our plans for the new season will be to start as planned with the AGM on 09th September - it is uncertain at this time whether The Hamworthy Club will have reopened by this date, so we may have to begin with meetings online via Zoom. The programme for the season will run as normal we hope, but we will revise our thinking as necessary as time progresses.
Your Views
As always any comments or observations will be welcomed....positive or negative!!
Regards and best wishes
Ian b